許多人認為宗教不過是與人為善, 就基督的教義來說,這也許是過度的簡化了。基督信仰的本質所陳述一個好消息,它讓我們認識神的救恩。我們因為罪而讓死的毒鉤得勝,神差來祂的獨子基督耶穌,以祂的寶血洗清了我們的罪,讓我們勝過死的權勢得到生命﹝林前 15:55-56﹞。
文章的標題:Are good works superfluous to love of God?神的愛讓行善成為多餘的嗎?這
保羅說:... 得救本乎恩,也因著信 ... 不是出於行為﹝弗 2:8-9﹞。行善不是得救的必要條件。然而善行真是多餘的嗎?
耶穌要我們關懷弱勢﹝太 25:35-36﹞,祂教導若我們不能愛看得見的弟兄,如何能聲稱自己愛看不見的神呢﹝約壹 4:20,太 5:23-26﹞?
結論:信基督因為得到神的白白的恩典而獲得永生,若只做一堆善事卻不信神是枉然的。但是神要我們行善。我們只能說行善與救恩是不相悖的,神要我們行善,這也許是一個入門階,但是光是行善是不夠的。我們要釜底抽薪的改變,若是與基督同死,就必信與祂同活﹝羅 6:8﹞。
Are Good Works Superfluous to Love of God?
From time to time, typically while teaching Dante, a student objects to the entire Divine Comedy and claims, “Good works are symbolic, but they do not accomplish anything tangible. We perform good works to show that we love God. Good works are born out of a love of God, but are not synonymous with a love of God.”
Such comments invariably make me wonder what my students think love is. If a father abused his son, beat him, berated him, and starved him, I would not say, “This man clearly has a problem showing his son how much he loves him. I am quite sure he loves his son, but he does not clearly understand how to demonstrate that love.” I would simply say, “This man hates his son.” Any man who abuses, berates, and starves his son, yet claims a real, though hidden love for his son has deluded himself.
神雖然必責備祂所愛的﹝箴 3:12﹞,但是祂殷切的盼望浪子的回頭﹝路 15:32﹞。
While the love of God is, in some sense, different from the love of man, Christ teaches that no man can claim to love God, Whom he cannot see, when he does not love his brother, whom he can see. The love of man tutors man in the love of God. We learn about the love of God through the love of man.
The idea that good works merely demonstrate a hidden love for God— which is nonetheless present, even apart from good works— suggests that man is, at his very essence, good. There is no goodness in man apart from the love of God. The love of God is the goodness of man, for the love of God is God Himself. God is love.
神的愛長存,領受神的愛的人會表現出神本為善﹝詩 100:5﹞的特質。人透過行善更能親近神,更能相信神,因此更能領受神的救恩。